John Mayall Makes A Good Run Better! Try It

Nobody Told Me - Jhn Mayall
John Mayall Makes A Good Run Better! Try It

The Run

Yesterday’s was one of those days that was about as close to perfect as you can get. First we were going to be babysitting our grandson Logan all day while his parents and older sister went to Six Flags. The good thing was we didn’t need to be there until 9:30. That meant that I could run around 8:00 and and be done and showered by 9:30. So I got up at 7:00 did some warm up exercising and was out the door by 8:00. Read More

A Run and The Infamous Stringdusters

The Infamous Stringdusters - Live From Telluride
To Post or to Read? Decisions, Decisions

So the question of the evening is should I write a post about today’s run or read some in one of the three books I am currently reading. Pondering on it the first thought that comes to mind is that my 4 mile run today was not all that exciting. My pace over the course of the run was 10:04. A little slower than my last few runs but still pretty good. Read More

Walter Trout’s Survivor Blues Powers Tuesday’s Run

The Run 3.14 Miles

So today was supposed to be colder with a chance of some snow, so yesterday was the better day to run. Since my knee still felt slightly funky I decided that once again , I would run my standard 3.1 mile course. By the time I reached the first mile mark my leg felt pretty good. I was running at a 10:01 min/mile pace and running easily,. As I continued my run, I tried to keep my pace a little slower than my last couple of runs. To do that I kept a close eye on my heart rate and when it rose to around 145 or so I slowed down a little. Read More

An Afternoon Pick Me Up – “Pigeon Swing” Blues from Tomislav Goluban

Rambler -Tomislav Goluban
Let’s Go “Into The Afternoon” with “Pigeon Swing” From Tomislav Goluban

How about an early afternoon”pick me up”! Here’s Tomislav Goluban with “Pigeon Swing” the opening track of his latest release Chicago Ranbler. I first discovered his music back in 2015 when I listened to his release Blow Junkie. You can check out my review of Blow Junkie and more about Tomislav here Read More