Blues Icon Willie Dixon

Willie Dixon – Bassist, Singer and Composer – Born July 1, 1915

Today is the 101st anniversary of the birth of Willie Dixon(July 1, 1915 – January 29, 1992) and I bet somewhere on almost every night of the year someone is playing one of the 500 songs that he wrote! It could be a jazz, blues or rock artist because Willie’s songs appeal to lovers of  many genres. He was one of the two artists, the other Muddy Waters, that were the most influential in shaping the sound of Chicago blues in the post World War II years, as well as, rock and roll in the 50s and 60s. I think that my first introduction to the blues of Dixon was Cream’s cover of “Spoonful”, wait maybe it was The Doors “Back Door Man” or maybe Led Zeppelin “I Can’t Quit You” but it was probably Johnnie Rivers covering “Seventh Son” and I didn’t even know it!! Well, you get the picture. Here’s a link to a list songs of Willie Dixon, along with the artists who cover them!! From Wikipedia some of the songs….. Read More

A Morning Walk powered by Blues of Desperation

Yeah I got off My Butt and went for a walk, listening to Blues of Desperation from Joe Bonamassa

The calender that  I created yesterday says that I was scheduled to run between 5:30 and 6:30 tonight. But when I checked the weather forecast for today, I saw that it was probably going to be raining at that time. As a result, I decided to move the run to 10 o’clock this morning. I also made another change, I decided to walk instead of run. Since I have been having problems lately with my ears being clogged, I thought I would walk to Dollar General and get some ear wax removal medicine.I knew based on my running courses, that I could walk a course that would make the walk about a mile. Read More

A Playlist for a Thursday Morning Commute

Some Jazz, Blues and Prog Make for a Fine Commute Playlist

This morning I put the iPod on playlists recently played and for my commute to and from work at Target the soundtrack was a mix of new music added to my music library. Some the tracks are from the albums that I bought at the Princeton Record Exchange a couple of weeks ago and some are just new albums. So here’s the twelve track playlist… Read More

More Guitars than Friends – Anni Piper

More Guitars Than Friends - Anni Piper
More Guitars than Friends from “Australia’s First Lady Of The Blues.” – Anni Piper

Anni Piper - More Guitars Than FriendsThis morning I decided to start my week with a little blues. I reviewed the Roots Music Report Blues Chart and came away with six albums that I wanted to listen to this afternoon. Anni Piper was  the artist who came first alphabetically. Anni’s latest release More Guitars than Friends, currently sits at number 29 on the chart up from 45 last week. How could I go wrong with an album title like that!! Read More

A Playlist to Get the Body Moving!

Jump into this Morning Playlist to Get the Body Moving – Feet First!!

So this morning I set out to create a short playlist composed of tunes that usually get me moving (at least my feet) and put me in a good mood! I started the playlist with the classic “Uncle Pen” and the version I chose was from Leon Russell‘s Hank Wilson is Back album. Leon covers, this song and all the other classic’s on the album so well!! Read More

Johnny Cash – Music Icon Born Feb 26. 1932!

Johnny Cash (February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003)

On February 26, 1932 in Kingsland, Arkansas, the fourth child of Ray Cash and Carrie Cloveree,, J.R. was born. When J.R, joined the Air Force he was told he couldn’t use just initials, so he used John R. Cash. In 1956 when he began recording for Sun Records he began using Johnny Cash… and the rest of the story we know, but we’ll let Wikipedia sum it up…. Read More

A Valentine’s Day “Morning” Playlist!

A Valentine’s Day Playlist with the Word “Morning” in the title!

Back when I was posting a song a day to Facebook, I figured it out,if I posted one song a day to Facebook, it would take me 54 years to post all of the songs on my iPod!Not that they are all favorites but a good number can be ranked as favorite, so let’s say half that still is 23 years!! So the answer is playlists, LOL! Not that I’m going to do it everyday, but maybe occasionally it may not be a bad idea!
Anyway back before the bronchitis hit me, I created this playlist from songs from my iTunes library. I searched for the word “Morning” since I was creating some morning music! Anyway here are 14 monrning songs! Read More

Seven Favorite Songs in Seven Days….

Here are Seven Favorite Songs as Posted in Seven Days on Facebook 

A couple of weeks ago, I was nominated by my wife to post seven favorite songs in seven days on Facebook. Here are the songs and my comments….

Day 1 -I’ve been nominated for the 7 songs in 7 days challenge by my wife Kathleen Karn The challenge is to post seven of your favorite songs in 7 days, and each day nominate someone else to do so.
Today I am nominate Eliot Kamenitz My college roommate and my best man at .our wedding!
So let’s go back to near the start of Kathy and my 40 plus years of togetherness and a song from the movie we saw on our first date McCabe and Mrs. Miller -“The Stranger Song” by Leonard Cohen . The song is still one of my favorites (Kathy is too!) Is there a better line in a song then “he was just some Joseph looking for a manger”? Read More

Steven Troch Great Blues Harp From Belgium!

Steven Troch’s album Nice ‘N’ Greasy brightens my night!

So this evening I was browsing the Euro-Americana Chart and there are several new albums from musicians whom I like. The chart includes new albums from: Peter Cooper & Eric Brace, Cam Penner, and Grant Peeples. One of the several artists on the Tips list whose name I didn’t recognize was Steven Troch. The title of Troch’s latest album is Nice ‘N’ Greasy and any album with a title like that is worth checking out! Read More