Dark Intelligence – Neal Asher

Dark Intelligence – Transformation Book One – Neal Asher

Rating *****


Several weeks ago I picked up Neal Asher’s latest book Dark Intelligence in the library and read these quotes, first on the back cover.

“What has six arms, a large beak, looks lie a pyramid, has more eyes than you’d expect, and talks nonsense? If you don’t know then 1) you should 2) you haven’t been reading Neal Ashers (see point 1)” – Jon Courtenoy Grimwood, author of The Fallen Blade.

and from David Brin on the front cover

“Asher rocks with XXX adrenaline while delivering a vivid future….”

Well, I couldn’t answer the first question and I haven’t read Neal Asher, so I thought I maybe I should and now I’m glad I did. Dark Intelligence is set in Asher’s Polity Universe. Asher has written 14 books other books set in the same universe. So while the book is Transformation Book One, it could be labeled Polity #15.

Dark Intelligence begins one hundred years after the war between humans and pradors has ended. Theovold Spear died in that war, he was killed along with his fellow soldiers who had been awaiting rescued by the AI Penny Royal. But when Penny Royal arrived she has gone rogue and slaughtered the soldiers instead of saving them. One hundred years later, Theovold Spear has been resurrected and he wants revenge for that massacre! His plan is to commandeer Penny Royal’s abandoned destroyer and use it to destroy the dark intelligence that is Penny Royal.

Meanwhile, Isobel Santomi runs a successful crime syndicate. Like many she wants it all and to get it she goes to Penny Royal for help! She asked Penny for upgrades to her being, only Penny went far beyond what Isobel wanted and now she is slowly transforming into something the is very powerful, very non-human and well flat-out hideous! Something that only wants to rip and kill!!

When Theovold Spear uses Isobel’s hatred of Penny Royal to help him gain control of the destroyer, and then leaves Isobel and her crew stranded in space., well he really pisses off Isobel. Now out Isobel sets out to hunt down both Spear and Penny Royal!! So off they go Spear chasing Penny Royal, and the ever-transforming Isobel chasing Spear and Penny Royal!!! Can Spear  find and destroy Penny Royal before being caught and destroyed by Isobel!!

I marvel at authors who can create different universes, populated by strange aliens and Neal Asher does that with the best of them!! This was the first book by Asher that I have read, and while it was confusing at times, mostly because I am unfamiliar with the Polity Universe, I was totally engrossed by the story. I found the transformation of Isobel to be most fascinating and beautifully described! I have already returned to the Polity Universe, as I started to read Prador Moon a few days ago and I already understand some things, like the augs better!!

Bottom Line: If you enjoy worlds were strange aliens like the crab-like Prador battle humans then you will like Dark Intelligence  and the Polity Universe found in  the works of Neal Asher!! One final quote about the work of Neal Asher…..

“Asher has lit up the sky of science fiction like a new sun” – Tanith Lee

I know that he has re-ignited a passion for science fiction in this old guy……so check him out!!…

Book 29 for 2015 – Book 4 of 12 in my Science Fiction Reading Challenge!


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