How I Ended Up Reading Five Books this Week!!

How I Ended Up Reading Five Books this Week 

Last week my wife and I had a discussion about how many books you can read at one time. The discussion arose because I had said that one of my co-workers had joked the other day,  he was reading two books at the same time. He of course knows I read more than one book at a time regularly. Anyway, he said he was reading Michael Crichton’s The Lost World and a nonfiction book about World War. The following day, he commented that Black Jack Pershing was fighting a losing battle in The Lost World!

Anyway, my wife says she can only read one book at a time. The reason is she gets caught up in a book and does little else until she finishes the book!  As he result, while she reads faster than I do, she doesn’t read many books. The reason is, if she read as much as I do, she’d literally get nothing else done.

My Path to Reading Five Books at One Time

So here is how I ended up reading five books at once. As this week unfolded, I thought I was was reading a couple of books. Actually though, as I was straightening up last night I realized I am I fact at least 26% through five books!! So how did that happen

Book One – The Absent One 

The first book I started reading among those five books was
The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen.  It is the second book in the Departmebt Q series from Adler-Olsen. And while I zipped through the first book The Keeper of Lost Causes and loved it, this one just hasn’t hooked me yet.

So I put it down and stared at my bookshelves. There I spied Hypothermia by Arnaldur Indridason.  I thought “you know I love his books and I haven’t read one in a long while”. So I took it down and read it.Use of Force Becomes Book Two

After finishing it I was tempted to pick up The Absent One again. However, I looked at my shelves,again, and saw Use of Force  by Brad Thor.  Now I read many of the early Scott Hovarth series from Thor but I haven’t read any in years. Anyway, I picked it up and started reading. Now I was reading two books.

Elevator Pitch is Book Three and Why Cities Lose Book Four

Then I saw Linwood Barclay’s latest book Elevator Pitch was released last month. So I went to the library website and requested it. Surprisingly there was not a lot of requests for the book ahead of me and it came in within days. Of course once I picked it up, I had to start it, consequently, I was now reading three books!!

While I was at the library picking up Elevator Potch, I checked to see if another book I had been reading Why Cities Lose was checked in. Sure enough it was. I was a little over halfway finished it when I had to return it. Since I have read just a little of it since I have rechecked it out, I am reading it now. So that makes four books.


Resurrection Pass one of the five books I'm readingResurrection Pass Becomes Book Five


Finally, the other day I was in Dollar General and I checked their sale paperbacks. They had gotten some new books in so I checked them out. I bought two: Dick Wolf’s The Execution A Jeremy Fisk novel and Resurrection Pass by Kurt Anderson. Wolf is an author I’ve heard of but never read and Kurt Anderson I don’t know. Both books had over a three star rating on Goodreads. The Execution’s rating was 3.86 and Resurrection Pass’s was 3.46.

Anyway, the other day I started Resurrection Pass and while it’s not great, it has hooked me and the pages are flying by pretty quickly!

So there you have it and while I have t finished any of the five yet I hope to get through them before the end of the month!

I guess the question is -Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me???

P.S. There are also six more books I have checked out of the library sitting on my bookshelves!! So good bye I need to get cracking those books!!




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