New Audio Connections Lead to New Music Goals!

Connecting All My Audio Equipment Leads to New Music Goals

I mentioned in the last post that I’ve been listening to a lot of music from my music library instead of new music. One of the reasons I’m doing that is I now have my electronic equipment situated so I can play music from just about every media that I have. I now have connected to my receiver the following: an Ion turntable for my vinyl, a five disc CD player, my iPod and a small cassette tape player.

The receiver has three playback ports. The ports are a turntable port, a tape player port and CD/auxiliary port. Initially, I connected the turntable to the turntable port and the sound was too loud and horrible. When I connected it to the CD port it was fine.

Now I had four playback devices and only two ports. The solution was two by a four pack of these RCA plugs.

Now I know It seems like a lot of trouble to go through when I can just listen to almost everything on Spotify. But in my opinion there is just something special about dropping a needle onto a vinyl record. I guess that may be because it sounds better, but I think it’s just because it brings back fond memories.

While CDs don’t bring back as many memories as vinyl records there is still something about holding the jewel case maybe reading the liner notes doing that beats just plain digital recordings.

Now cassettes, I can probably take or leave but there are some albums that I have in cassette that I’m not going to get on CD and may not even be on Spotify. I’m thinking particularly of two early Chris Wall albums.

What These Connections Mean For 2019…..

Ok so now I have the ability to listen to my music library using the media that I first obtained the album on! So what does that mean for me and this blog going forward? One thing that I want to do this year is to listen more often to music  from my music library.

Over the last few years I’ve spent so much time discovering new music that I have lost touch with the music I have loved in the past. Now I’m not saying that I want to live in the past, just that I want to visit more often!

So maybe what I’ll do is bring back Flashback Friday. When I first started to blog  on Fridays I would put on a few old albums listen to them and then write about the artist and album. Yeah, I think that’s something I want to do again!!

Music Goals  for 2019

So here are some music goals for 2019…..

1. Increase the amount I listen to music from my music library. Use music from my music library for the soundtrack of my workouts and yoga. Re-institute Flashback Fridays to listen and write about old favorites!

2. Continue to search out and listen to new music. I will continue to scour the bottom half of various music charts to find new artists!!

3. Make new music the soundtrack for my runs. Typically, the soundtracks of my runs are from the progressive rock, blues or bluegrass genres.

4.Make sure a jazz or new age album is playing in the background while I’m reading. A New Age album will always be the soundtrack of my yoga workouts.

So now I need to go and listen to some music. Hmmm it’s Friday and I see many albums from my vinyl collection. It’s time for Flashback Friday …..what shall I listen to???????

P.S. When I went to take the picture of my audio equipment I realized I forgot to mention that I also have my Sirius/XMRadio connected to the system too! Only I have to unplug something so I will probably just let it play by itself!!

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