Happy Thanksgiving to All!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Let’s all take time today to reflect on those things that for which we are thankful. For me that includes my family, my wife and children and their wives, boyfriend, and friends. While our family has grown smaller this year with the passing of my mother, it also has grown larger as Meaghan and her family have joined us on life’s journey. We welcome her and her family and wish Andrew and her the best as the set sail on their journey. Read More

Book 34 for 2012 – The Prophet – Michael Koryta

Book 34 for 2012 is the latest from Michael Koryta The Prophet. I have read a couple of the books in the Lincoln Perry  series and really liked the series! I also started one of Koryta’s stand-alone novels So Cold the River, got bogged down in the middle, and never finished it, so I’ve stayed away from some of his other books, passing them up for other reads. Well, I’m sorry that I have and will need to go back and make up for that after reading The Prophet.  Read More

Today in My History – Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!!

So today is one of those days  when you feel older and it’s not your birthday. See today is my youngest child Elizabeth’s twenty-second birthday! Seems like only yesterday my wife was pleading for drugs during labor! Then Edward got in trouble  because he was afraid to hold her! So tiny, so fragile!  Here’s one of my favorite pictures with Nick holding Lizzie the next morning, and Andrew right behind him! Read More

Murder at the Burlington County Jail – well in 1920!!

So on November 5, 1920 a  murder was committed at the Burlington County Jail in Mount Holly, NJ. The victims were the Warden Harry King and an inmate Charles Vernon Bartlett. They were blugdeoned to death by inmate Harry Asay. Asay was serving a 90 day sentence for a drunk and disorderly arrest. It was his second time serving time. The previous time he had served his complete sentence, this time he made it one day!! My wife is third cousins twice removed with both Bartlett the victim and Asay the murderer, which is why we were at the Warden’s Office tonight for a lecture about the murder! Read More

Armik – Beautiful Flamenco Guitar….

2015 Update: This afternoon I was listening to One World the new album from Jesse Cook. Listening brought, thoughts about the flamenco guitar of Armik. So I went to Spotify where I discovered that Armik has released a new album titled Romantic Spanish Guitar Vol. 2. Sound s good to me!  I first discovered the music of Armik back in 2010 and since then I occasionally listen to his awesome work! The following is a post I wrote back in 2012 when he released the album Reflections. The new album is playing as I write this and it, like its predecessors is really good. I’ll write more about it soon!! But for now let’s go “into the afternoon” with the guitar of Armik Read More

New Music – Old Friend – Neil Young – Psychedelic Pill!

So I go way back with Neil Young , almost to the beginning of his solo career. The first Neil Young album I bought was his second solo album Everybody Knows This is Nowhere  along with everyone else I loved the album. Yes “Cowgirl in the Sand” and “Down By the River” got a lot of play! But as per usual, as soon as everyone else climbed on the Neil Young bandwagon., Edward climbed off, and over the years the songs I’ve heard have all been from the radio. I haven’t bought or really listened to a full Neil Young album in, well a couple decades or so, that was until yesterday, when I saw that he had released a new studio album with Crazy Horse, the first in about a decade, titled Psychedelic Pill. So I qued it up on Mog and gave it a listen and maybe just maybe I’ll climb back on the bandwagon! Read More