Ed K Finally Reads Life of Pi

Life of Pi - Yann Martel
 Life of Pi by Yann Martel – it’s about time! (Book 34 of 2016)

I am a simple man, in more ways than one.  As such when I read, I like a straight forward story. Boy meats girl, boy cuts up girl into a thousand little pieces. Then my hero comes in and needs to figure out who the killer is before he can strike again. Another story may involve an evil person or group about to wreak havoc on the world. Again my hero must save the day! But every once in a while I visit the dark side. I read a book where the message is hidden and symbolism abounds. Such is the case with Life of Pi (book 34 for 2016) by Yann Martel. I’m confused! But I for one like the story with the animals. Read More

The World of a CIA Analyst Comes Alive in Mark Hanshaw’s Red Cell

Red Cell - Mark Henshaw
Red Cell – Mark Henshaw – Krya Stryker and Jonathan Burke Book 1

Mark Henshaw author of Red CellA week or so ago my wife and I completed watching the first five seasons of Homeland.So when I saw Mark Henshaw’s  The Fall of Moscow Station among the new releases at my library I was intrigued. Looking at the book, I saw that it was the third book in Mark’s series that features CIA agents Kyra Stryker and Jonathan Burke. So rather than start with the third book in the series, I found and checked out Red Cell  the first book in the series. Yesterday, Red Cell became the 32 book I have read in 2016. And now that I know Kyra and Jonathan I’m ready for their next assignment which is chronicled in Cold Shot. Read More

The Hunt for DNA Connections Goes On!

Dna Matches add to my fan chart
Through DNA the Hunt for Genealogical Connections Goes On!!

So over the last several weeks I have spent more time at Ancestry.com, trying to unravel the tangled roots of my various family lines, than either reading or listening to music. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t been reading or listening at all, just that my focus has been on searching for dead people. One of the most interesting finds was a great-aunt Alice Matilda Ashton. Read More

A Walk/Jog to Restart Running – Music by Aisles

A Walk/Jog to Restart Running and Slow My Raging Biologic Clock…..

So for the last six to eight months,particularly the last three months, I feel that my biological clock has been moving ahead a full speed. While I have been keeping up with my daily yoga and meditation, even including a couple of days a week with light weights. I have done little else right. I have run maybe five to six times this year and now that I haven’t been for my walks with Oliver, I have packed on several unwanted pounds!! Read More

Distant Horseman – Timothy Wenzel

Distant Horseman – Timothy Wenzel – Life, Living  and the Universe

So if you are looking for a nice, quiet relaxing album, I have one for you – Distant Horseman the latest release from New Age Artist Timothy Wenzel. The album was released back in February and it has been in my music rotation since then. I also think that it has also been at the top of the Zone Music Reporter Charts for all those months. The album features the musical artistry of Wenzel coupled with the beautiful violin of Josie Quick. Read More

The Hunt for the First Terrorist Cell in the US in 1915!

Dark invasion - Howard Blum
Dark Invasion:1915: Germany’s Secret War & the Hunt for the First Terrorist Cell in America – Howard Blum
The Beginning of World War I

The hunt for the first terrorist cell in the United States had its beginnings on June 28, 1914 when…..

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife, visit Sarajevo in Bosnia. A bomb is thrown at their auto but misses. Undaunted, they continue their visit only to be shot and killed a short time later by a lone assassin. Believing the assassin to be a Serbian nationalist, the Austrians target their anger toward Serbia Read More

Donald Trump and Horace Greeley – Repeated History?

Horace Greeley

Thoughts of the 2016 Campaign and Horace Greeley…

So one of my earliest political memories is sneaking down the stairs as a nine-year old to see if John F Kennedy was going to win the 1960 Presidential election.I have followed politics ever since. I could rattle off a litany of my favorite politicians.  The majority of them are Democrats i.e Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter, etc, But through the years there were Republican politicians that I respected like Everett Dirksen, Nelson Rockefeller and Edward Brooke, hell although I despised the man at the time I can say the Richard Nixon even did some things that can be admired. Read More