A Morning Walk powered by Blues of Desperation

Yeah I got off My Butt and went for a walk, listening to Blues of Desperation from Joe Bonamassa

The calender that  I created yesterday says that I was scheduled to run between 5:30 and 6:30 tonight. But when I checked the weather forecast for today, I saw that it was probably going to be raining at that time. As a result, I decided to move the run to 10 o’clock this morning. I also made another change, I decided to walk instead of run. Since I have been having problems lately with my ears being clogged, I thought I would walk to Dollar General and get some ear wax removal medicine.I knew based on my running courses, that I could walk a course that would make the walk about a mile. Read More

Myrath – Legacy

Myrath – Legacy – Progressive Metal – Tunisia 

So around eleven o’clock this morning I thought it was to stop pounding on the computer keyboard and get up and get something done around the house In doing so, I decided to put on some progressive rock. I chose Legacy from Myrath. The album has been in my music rotation for about a week now and I like it more and more each time I listen to it! Read More

A Playlist for a Thursday Morning Commute

Some Jazz, Blues and Prog Make for a Fine Commute Playlist

This morning I put the iPod on playlists recently played and for my commute to and from work at Target the soundtrack was a mix of new music added to my music library. Some the tracks are from the albums that I bought at the Princeton Record Exchange a couple of weeks ago and some are just new albums. So here’s the twelve track playlist… Read More

March 2016 Reading Challenge Update

March 2016 Reading Challenge Reads and My Proposed April Reads…..

March Reads

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To meet my 2016 Reading Challenge of 60 books, I need to average five books per month. I fell one book short of that this month reading only four books. Overall though, I am two off the pace needed to reach my 60 book goal. Three of the four books that I read were either mysteries or thrillers,and were written by a favorite author. The fourth book was a mini-memoir. The three books written by favorites  were: Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter,The Forgotten Room from Lincoln Child and Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. Read More

Ordinary Grace – William Kent Krueger

Ordinary Grace – William Kent Krueger – Not an Ordinary book – an extraordinary book!

So while I have not posted much over the last few days, I have finished three books. Finished first was William Kent Krueger’s Ordinary Grace, which was closely followed up by The Forgotten Room from Lincoln Child. Then today, I finished The Toaster Oven Mocks Me by Steve Margolis. Two novels and a personal memoir, all very good. In this post I will write about the first book Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. William Kent Krueger is the author of the Cork O’Connor series set in northern Minnesota. I am a big fan of those novels. Read More

Let’s Talk Action Thrillers!!

 Thoughts about the Action Thrillers that I have Read and those I Still Read!

I guess I started reading action thrillers back in the early 1980s, when a work colleague introduced me to the works of Clive Cussler and his hero Dirk Pitt! My first encounter with Mr. Pitt was in the book Raise the Titanic. I quickly went back and read his previous books and continued to follow Dirk’s adventures for several years. The novels always had a good mix of history and action. Read More

My Biologic Clock Still Not Going Backwards..

Why the Biologic Clock is not going backwards….

Over the last month and a half I have not done a whole lot to turn back my biologic clock. In fact with my bronchitis and I think a couple of colds, I have basically been trying to keep that clock from taking great leaps forward. One of the things that I haven’t been able to do is start back running, which is hard to do when you can’t stop coughing, and it’s cold outside! But now even when the weather is nicer and I’m feeling better I am finding it difficult to find the time to run. Read More

Delusion Rain – Mystery

Mystery – Delusion Rain – Canada – Neo-Prog

I haven’t visited the site – progstreaming.com lately, but I thought tonight would be a good night for some prog rock, so I took a trip to the site to check out the latest albums. When I search through prog albums by artists I don’t know (that’s most of them at progstreaming), the first albums that I give a listen to are the one’s whose albums covers look the most interesting. One of the album covers that caught my eye was from the band Mystery and their album Delusion Rain. Within the first few minutes of listening to the album, I knew I was going to like this band! Nice guitar, nifty vocals with words that I can actually understand and very melodic music. I was actually not surprised, when I went to ProgArchives, that the sub-genre of the band’s music was neo-prog, sometimes bordering on symphonic. Read More