Father’s Day – A Time to Honor and Remember Dad!
Good Morning World and how is everybody on this fine June 21, 2015. Today Father’s Day is celebrated in the United States and many countries worldwide. So Happy Day to Father’s Everywhere!. The featured photograph at the top of this post in my dad and me at the Trenton State Fair in 195? My Dad Edward Henry Karn, Jr.was born on June 23rd of 1924. This time of year is when I think about my dad the most, not only because of Father’s Day and his birthday, but because through my high school and colleges years we spent many hours together in the summer. During those years, my dad ran his own trucking business carrying produce mostly corn and peaches to New York and north Jersey. We also delivered peat moss to various landscaping stores throughout South Jersey. Anyway through those years I was his helper and I’ll tell you we worked hard, but then that’s what he did for most of his life! He passed away at the age of 60. like his father, he died of a heart attack. Both of my first two sons were born before he passed away, but since Nick was only five and Andrew two they never really knew him and that of course makes me sad I know what it like to have only vague memories of your grandfathers since mine passed when I was two and five years old!! Anyway Happy Father”s Day Dad and by the way……. Read More