Rambling thoughts of how I try to look at life…..

One of the problems that I have as I try to write about personal thoughts and feelings is that I always end up thinking – I should have said this or that -Anyway here’s an attempt at putting some thoughts and giving you a glimpse of how this 62 year old man thinks – right or wrong it’s me…..

A while back my company was having a luncheon meeting to discuss the development of a set of “core values for the company. On the way back from a site a few days before the meeting, a co-worker asked “What are your core values?” Well I’m really not good at thinking about things on the spot, and coming up with quick and interesting answers. It usually takes me along time to think things over and come up with answers to tough questions. My quick response to the question was “Do No Harm” don’t hurt people, be truthful and make the moral choice!

As I was contemplating life, while straightening the market at Target last night, I was thinking about how I’ve always tried to live my life and one of the things that I’ve always tried to do is to imagine myself in other people’s place and think what would I do, how would I feel! This may have started very early in my life, playing cowboys and Indians and thinking what would I do, if I were a Native American and the white people were taking over my land and destroying my way of life. I sure as hell would be fighting those white folks!! I’d try with all my soul to protect my people and keep my heritage alive.

Those same thoughts then moved on to the Vietnam War and I felt sorry for the North Vietnamese, who were fighting to reunite their homeland! Then the question morphed into, how I would feel if I were black and I didn’t have the same rights as other just because of the color of my skin. As a result of looking at life from that perspective, I knew that discrimination in all forms was wrong!!

I still carry that method of looking at things that way with me today and ask myself – How would I feel if tomorrow I woke up and I was gay. I know I’d only want the same rights and privileges to live my life the way that I wanted, to marry the person I loved and live a happy life like any straight person. As a result of looking at it that way, I know where I stand on the issue of gay marriage!

How about if I woke up tomorrow and I was pregnant as a result of being raped! How would I feel what would I want to do??? Then I know where I stand on abortion!

Or maybe if I woke up and I was Palestinian and and my homeland was stolen from my family and we were forced to live in refuge camp in another country or live without any rights and privileges and the with the added bonus of having rockets fired at us! Would I be ready to become a suicide bomber to help my people??? That’s a tough one, I don’t think so. But I can sure understand why some may say – yes!

The other day I wrote that I felt sorry for the people of Pakistan, who lost their homes and loved ones as a result of an earthquake. A reader questioned why should I feel sorry for Pakistanis when the US is at war with them. Well it’s because I can put myself in their shoes and empathize with them, the same way I can with the people of Iraq, who lost loved ones as a result of my countries actions.

It’s because I can say that “There But for Fortune” go you or go I!

By the way if you want to listen to the song that inspired my initial answer to the question that lead off this ramble – here’s the link to Carrie Underwood’s “Do No Harm”

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