RGranddad’s Merry Christmas!

Time with Family + Thoughtful Gifts = Merry Christmas for RGranddad

So wow, a whole week has gone by with nary a post from RGranddad!! But then it was a rather a busy Christmas Week! Monday I babysat Zoe for a little while, it would have been longer because Dad Peter was home sick, but while he still felt bad, he said he could watch Zoe. So I went home and brought the tree in to start setting it up. Later, we went back so that Grammie could visit with Zoe! Tuesday and Wednesday I worked at Target and then Thursday was Christmas Eve and, of course, Friday was Christmas.

On Christmas Eve morning, my wife’s Uncle Jim Browne and his wife Nathalie always come to visit. Jim is my mother-in-law’s only sibling and he will turn 90 next August. Both Peter and Missy had to work, so Miss Zoe joined the party, as did Oliver, and his mom and dad Meaghan and Andrew. Both grandkids made it a special morning. They were both really good. Meaghan was treated to the thrill of having a child sit on her lap and do a puzzle, while Oliver was roaming the house with two TV remotes in his hands!! There are three, but he had a trouble holding all three in his little hands. All in all, it was a nice morning with some good food. The only problem was that it was too short a visit! But alas there was still a lot to do to get ready for the big day!

For the second year in a row and the second with two grandchildren, we spent the late morning and afternoon at Andrew and Meaghan’s. After some brunchy treats and Oliver awoke from his nap and Miss Zoe overcame her shyness it was time to open the presents. It has always been our tradition for the kids to open one gift at a time going  from the youngest to the oldest. This year we let the two little one’s open their gifts first and then we went in order from Elizabeth to Nick with Missy and Meaghan included!

Both of the little ones got into the unwrapping very quickly, and actually did a good job opening all of their presents. Oliver particularly liked two of his presents from Aunt Elizabeth a picture book with great pictures of trucks and construction equipment and The Little Blue Truck. While Zoe was enjoying her puzzle with lots of doors, also from Elizabeth!!

Finally, my wife and I opened our presents. One of the first presents that I opened was from Oliver and it was a pen engraved with Renaissance Granddad on it!

RGranddad's pen

This was followed by two books from his mom and dad 642 Things to Write About and a five-year One-Sentence Happiness Project Journal…..seems like someone has been reading my blog!

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Then came two more great books with connections to my blog from my daughter Elizabeth……

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Oh boy running and microresolutions…. can it get any better. Son Nick gave me a gift card to Lowe’s that will go toward some paint that will spruce up my room where we watch sports together!! While son Peter, his wife Missy and Zoe gave me a gift card to Barnes & Noble more books, yeah! Now most times folks don’t get a chance to see what their gift card translates to, but in this case they will because I already went shopping!!

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Two calenders a Page-A-Day German phrase and Culture Calender to help engage my mind in the learning of the frustrating, at least to me German language! And a running log book for my body! Along with two books, again for my brain. Dead Simple, the first Roy Grace book from Peter James and The Kept seems pretty good and not the type of book I normally read, but should!!!

I also got some great stuff from my wife which I won’t bore you with now – maybe later!! All in All, it was a great day made better by not having to clean up!! So thanks to all my family for the thoughtful presents!

My family also gave my wife and I a group picture along with some other photos of our grandkids. Here’s the group picture….

RGranddad's Family

L to R: Oliver, Elizabeth, Nick,Peter, Zoe,Missy, Andrew and Meaghan

and here are the two pictures that sum up the difference between Oliver and Zoe….

Oliver and Zoe

ah, nice and cute or course note Oliver’s tongue and the evil twinkle in his eyes!


and as Zoe sits patiently on….. Oliver has had enough!!! Once again thanks everyone and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I can’t wait until Oliver comes to spend the day tomorrow. We also get to babysit Zoe again tomorrow. Ah, another busy week begins!! Who needs retirement!

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