RGranddad learns German by Reading!!

The Texts in Learn German! Get Me  Writing – Ich heiss Edward!

Was Magst du? Wie heisst du?……

The other day I wrote about the materials that I am using to help me learn German, They include regular textbooks, one on verbs and one on grammar, As well as, a more traditional foundation text book. In addition I have also been using a book of story stories, titled German Short Stories for Beginners. I find that reading these short stories is a great way to see vocabulary and grammar put into use! And more fn than doing exercises in a textbook. (actually exercises do have their place, and I will continue to do them) With that thought in mind, I started to look for books with stories. I found Learn German! More than 100 didactic texts to learn and improve your German. Learn vocabulary and grammar while you are reading. by Dominik Waxenberger. I read the introduction yesterday and I when I read the following I agreed with what he was saying and he supported my thoughts about using children’s books as a place to start my study of German. Dominick writes…… Read More