Remembering S.I. Hayakawa (July 18, 1906 – February 27, 1992) and the San Francisco State College Strike!

SIHayakawaWhen I started reading Subversives by Seth Rosenfeld, I read that Clark Kerr was the president of the University of California, which started me thinking where did S.I. Hayakawa fit into the picture. I remembered him being involved in student demonstrations in California.  I even went to the index of the book to look for his name. Well today on 108th anniversary of Mr Hayakawa’s birthday I found out that I was in the right church (California) and the wrong pew (Berkeley). What I didn’t remember was that Mr Hayakawa was the President of  San Francisco State University during those turbulent years from 1968 to 1973. Some background on S.I. Hayakawa…. Read More