A New Challenge: The June-July Other Worlds Reading Challenge!

I am currently reading the science fiction book , The Human Division by John Scalzi. I have also checked out another sy-fi book The Soldier by Neal Asher. Additionally, I also have books by Greg Bear and Stephen Baxter on my “to be read” shelf. So I have decided to create a new challenge! My June and July Other Worlds Challenge. The goal is to spend the next two months reading Science Fiction books.
Michael Koryta’s How It Happened is a Winner!
My Yoga and Walking Challenges Lead to a Month of Runs…

A few weeks after I started my 21-day Yoga Challenge I realize that wanted to add some more to my exercise regime. I thought back and remembered how I started to gain weight, when I stopped babysitting Oliver two plus years ago. While I was babysitting I would take him for two or three 30 minute walks during the day.
A Yoga Challenge Update & Logan Does Yoga!

A Yoga Challenge Update
Since I started my 21-day yoga challenge, which later morphed into a 30-day yoga challenge on April 8th, I have done a yoga routine every morning except one! Most days I have done one of the three routines presented in Richard Hittleman’s Yoga – 28 Day Exercise Program. On several of days that I didn’t do a Hittleman routine, I did a Kundalini routine. The end result is that I am a lot more flexible than I was two months ago. A bonus is I also feel better overall. The bottomland is that the three Hittleman yoga routines are now a regular part of my morning exercise routine and hopefully will stay there.
An Update on the Books Read in May 2018.
A Running Update -Sunday’s 4-Miler with Gazpacho

A Brief Running Update
So I guess I should catch up before I write about this week’s runs. Last week I ran three times. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Each run was 3.1 miles. Two were over the same course. So far this week I have also run three times. The first run was a four-mile run on Sunday. The second was a 3.1 mile run on Tuesday and I ran another 3.1 on Thursday.
Something New an HIIT Bike Workout
Blues Rotation: Ally Venable Band – Puppet Show is a Winner!

Ally Venable Band Starts This Week’s Blues Music Rotation
Yesterday, I had a chance to take a good look at the Roots Music Report Blues Charts. After reviewing the charts I listened to a few minutes of many albums to see if they match my taste. I ended up with thirteen albums to listen to over the rest of the week. The album that intrigued me the most yesterday was Puppet Show from the Abby Venable Band. Currently, the album is number 23 on the Contemporary Blues Album Chart.