October Reads and Reading Challenges Update!

Without Mercy - Jefferson Bass a reading challenges book
Where DID October Go!

Ok I give up where did October go? Seems like the NFL season just began and now we’re at Week 8. The World Series is at Game 5 and both the NBA and NHL have begun their seasons. And yesterday the two colleges that I attended. As the Universities of Florida and Georgia renewed their heated rivalry.  I really don’t care which team wins most of the time. But it’s always nice when the team that needs it more gets the victory. Since the Gators stayed atop the SEC East with the victory, I was glad they won. Read More

October 27 – Happy World Day for Audiovisual Heritage!

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
October 27, 2016  – UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
Theme: “It’s Your Story – Don’t Lose It”

I learn new things in a variety of ways.  For example, I discovered at Wikipedia this morning, that today is World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Because I didn’t know anything about the day, I went to go to its page on Wikipedia. There I discovered that….. Read More

Parag Khanna’s Connectography – Explains Connectivity!

Connectography:Mapping the Future of Global Civilization – Parag Khanna

I have always had an interest in geography. So when I first saw Connectography:Mapping the Future of Global Civilization by Parag Kahana, I knew it was a book for me! It was amazing the way Khanna took geography to a whole new level in Connectography. The Washington Post agrees and says this about Connectography…. Read More

Circles of 8 – Holland Phillips

Circles of 8 by Holland Phillips Becomes a Movement Meditation Staple

Over the last week I have continued to do movement yoga for 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of my morning yoga routine. It seems to get me both moving and grounded at the same time. I have used a few different albums. The first one was Immortelle by Deuter and most recently Marika Takeuchi’s Colors in the Diary. For several days in between those two albums, I used Holland Phillip’s most recent release Circles of 8. Since most of my body and arm movements are movements are figure eights, I  thought the album would fit perfectly and it does. Read More

A Fine Evening with Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers….

Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big and Buzzy, - Roger CLyne and the Peacemakers
Dad and Andrew  Enjoy the Music of Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers
Dad and Andrew yes!

So you know your old when you hear your son say. “Wow, I can’t believe that I’ve been listening to that album for 20 years”! As your thoughts race towards – “Hey wait until you can say I  can’t believe I’ve been listening to those guys for 50 years!” Anyway, that’s what my son Andrew said, as we were leaving the World Cafe Live in Philly last night. We had just seen Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers together for the third time! The tickers were a birthday gift from my son. Read More

Melvin Rhyne – Jazz Organ – Born October 12, 1936

Melvin Rhyne an Original Member of the Wes Montgomery Trio and More!

One of my favorite things to do is to scroll down the daily list of birthdays at All About Jazz. I always check for names I am unfamiliar with and/or musicians who play instruments that I enjoy! Today as I looked over the list I noticed a Hammond B-3 Organ player Melvin Rhyne.  I didn’t recognize Melvin’s name. However, after reading the following synopsis of the early years Rhyne’s career, I do believe I probably have heard his Hammond B-3 before…… Read More