Walter Trout – Ordinary Madness is Extra “Ordinary”

Ordinary Madness - Walter Trout

Ordinary Madness - Walter TroutSo according to my new blog schedule (we’ll see how long it lasts) on Monday I was to pick a blues album for the week. I would then theoretically listen to it for two days and write about it on Thursday. ( So now I’m already ab few days behind lol) The album I chose was Ordinary Madness the latest album from Blues guitarist Walter Trout. It has been the soundtrack for my last two runs. It is one of the reasons that both of those runs have been outstanding. The other reason is the weather, which actually have more to do with them being good runs, but not by much! Read More

The New Album from Dion Makes a Struggling Run Better

Dion - Blues with Friends

Dion - Blues with FriendsOk so I’m doing it again. I started to posts yesterday and I didn’t finish either one of them! So now rather than go back and write a little in each one of them I’ll just plot ahead and write a new posts. Recently, I haven’t run very often on Saturdays, but yesterday the weather conditions were slightly better than they were in Friday, so off I went, with the music of Dion providing the soundtrack. Read More

A So-So Run With a Great Soundtrack from The B. Christopher Band

Two Rivers Back - The B. Christopher Band
The Run -Four Miles

This morning was a running day. My last run was a 3.1 mile run on Sunday. Today I decided I would run a four mile course. I chose an out and back course that I call Creek Out and Back. I have been running over this course for many years I like it because it’s fairly flat and I get to run along the  Rancocas Creek for a short way. Only problem is that I only get to really see the create in the winter and early spring.  Read More