New CDs From the Princeton Record Exchange – Yeah!

Testifyin" - One of my Treasures from Princeton Record Exchange

While we were raising four kids my wife and I rarely spent money on ourselves. So when it came time that two oldest boys started to buy CDs,  I was thrilled when we found Tunes Used CD store in Marlton,N.J. At the time they had bins and bins of  cheap used CDs. Thanks to the fact that my taste was slightly different than their typical clientele my CD collection skyrocketed. I found albums from a ton of Americana artists that I couldn’t find anywhere else, at prices I could afford!! Texas music artists like: Ray Wylie Hubbard, Jack Ingram and Pat Green along with Americana musicians like Jack Williams and Chris Knight. Read More

Blues Rotation: Ally Venable Band – Puppet Show is a Winner!

Puppet Show - Ally Venable Band
Ally Venable Band Starts This Week’s Blues Music Rotation

Yesterday, I had a chance to take a good look at the Roots Music Report Blues Charts. After reviewing the charts I listened to a few minutes of many albums to see if they match my taste. I ended up with thirteen albums to listen to over the rest of the week. The album that intrigued me the most yesterday was Puppet Show from the Abby Venable Band. Currently, the album is number 23 on the Contemporary Blues Album Chart. Read More

Day 5- New Music – Experimental Rock Band – Road to Jerusalem

Road to Jerusalem

Road to Jerusalem – Road to Jerusalem

Yesterday was  Day 5 of my New Musician Challenge and, while I did listen to some new music, I didn’t get a chance to write anything. The Road to Jerusalem was a little more hard rock than the bands that are usually in my music rotation. However, based on what I’ve heard from The Road to Jerusalem (RTJ) I may be checking out a few of those bands that are listed as Related Artists on their overview page!! Read More

Day 4 – New Music Challenge – Blues from Marcus Malone

Marcus Malone - Better Man

Better Man – Marcus Malone

Once again as I perused albums recommended by Spotify based upon artists I have listened to I came across blues artist Marcus Malone. And since I have never heard the music of Marcus he fit my New Music Challenge perfectly. A quick listen to the album convinced me that this guy is someone I should be listening to. Better Man, his 2017 release,  was the album that was recommended. I listened to the album yesterday and again today on the way to and from work at Target. And the more I listen to the album the more I like it. It really does have everything, some great vocals coupled with some fine instrumentals. I think this one is going to be in my music rotation for a while!!  In his  Get Ready To Rock Review Pete Feenstra writes the following about  Better Man Read More

Day 3 – New Musician Challenge – Americana Artist – Michael Kelsh

Harmony Sovereign - Michael Kelsh
Harmony Sovereign  – Michael Kelsh

Last night and this morning I spent so time reviewing both the Roots Music Roots charts and the Euro-Americana Chart. I was looking for some musicians that were new to me. I found several names that interested me. However, when I played a few minutes of their albums , only a couple of them really caught my fancy. This morning though one really stood out. The album was Harmony Sovereign by Michael Kelsh. Read More