Marconi Union – Ghost Stations
Marconi Union – Ghost Stations
Sometimes I am not sure that I like ambient music all that much. Many times I’ve heard an ambient track and said, “What the hell was that?” Little did I know that was the reaction that Marconi Union wants from listeners to their latest release Ghost Stations. Here’s what they have to say about the album…..
Soothing Sounds from Richard Carr – Matters of Balance
Matters of Balance – Richard Carr
Last night as I looked down the Zone Music Reporter Top 100 Airplay Chart the album at number 7 caught my eye. The album was titled Matters of Balance and the artist was Richard Carr. The album cover looked pretty cool and I had never heard of Richard Carr so I opened up Spotify to check the album out. So I put the album on an picked up my book and started to read. Pretty soon I was doing more listening than reading!!
Manitou Canyon – William Kent Krueger as Good as Ever!

Manitou Canyon – William Kent Krueger (Cork O’Connor series Boo #15)
Manitou Canyon is the fifteenth book in the Cork O’Connor series from William Kent Krueger. And I for one don’t think the series is slowing down at all! I have read all of the books in this series and this one holds its own with any of them.While the Cork O’Connor books are firmly planted in the mystery.thriller genre they are also more than just mysteries. They are also books about family and cultural identity.
The Prelude Implicit Kansas’ Latest Album Powers My First Run as a 65 year-old!
Another Attempt to Start Running Again with a Soundtrack from Kansas – The Prelude Implicit
So I had babysitting duties today with my granddaughter Zoe. Missy had to go to work earlier than usual so I had to be there by 7:30. The good thing about that was Missy got home a little after 3, which meant that I would be home by 3:30 or so and that meant there would be time to run today.
Joanna Connor – Six String Stories.
Six String Stories – Joanna Connor – The Best Blues of 2016?
A couple of weeks ago, I spotted an album titled Six String Stories on the Roots Music Report Blues Chart. The artist was Joanna Connor. Since the title of the album was interesting and I had never heard of Ms. Connor, I went to Spotify and gave it a quick listen. Wow! It sounded great! But then my ADD kicked in and I was soon off listening to other albums and Six String Stories was set aside.
September 2016 – A Review of the Six Books I Read!

September 2016 – Six Books Read in a Busy Month! Yeah Me!
I had a great reading month in September of 2016. I finished the five books on the above slider and they all were really good. The books I read came from a variety of genres. There was; a mystery from one of my favorite authors The Second Life of Nick Mason, a non-fiction book history book The Winter Fortress by Neal Bascom, an award-winning general fiction – Life of Pi from Yann Martell, a science fiction space opera Dark Run by Mike Brooks, and a political thriller Red Cell from Mark Henshaw. I think that a pretty good mix of genres!
Danish Space Rock from Causa Sui
Causa Sui – Return to Sky – Psychedelic/Space Rock-Denmark
So this morning I was looking for some music to start my day. I went to Spotify and then to Browse and My Discover selections. The second album among the ‘Top Recommendations for You’ was the album Return to Sky from the band Causa Sui. Having no idea about the band or the genre of music that they played, I gave them a try. What I heard was a pretty interesting instrumental band.!!
Debate #1, H.L.Mencken & the Election of 1920

Thoughts about Last Night’s Debate, H.L. Mencken and the Election of 1920
So my wife and I didn’t watch the debate last night. The reason we didn’t watch, was we figured we knew how it would end. Hillary would do well and Trump not so well. But in the end even if Hillary blew him away and Trump was awful it wouldn’t matter to Trump’s supporters. We both believe that Trump speaks the truth when he says he could shot and kill someone in Times Square and people would still vote for him!