A Post-Birthday Trip to the Library Book Sale!!

Five Treasures Found at the Library Book Sale

So October is really zipping by, seems like it was just my birthday (Oct 1), I guess that’s what happens when you’re busy. Anyway, the Cinnaminson Branch of the Burlington County Library had their fall book sale Oct 1-3rd and well since I  needed to take some books back and pickup a book that I had put on hold, I begrudgingly visited the used book sale. Yeah right! Read More

The Winery Dogs highlight a busy week…..

The Week in Review…..

So things have been a little hectic around here lately. Last week I was able get my Monday run in, but then things got very busy. I worked my normal shift at Target (7 am to 1 pm) and then shortly after dinner we got a call from my son Andrew, his mother-in-law was rushed to the hospital with problems stemming from her diabetes. They needed me to come down and stay with Oliver until they got back from the hospital. I didn’t have to do much because by the time I got there Oliver was asleep and I didn’t hear a peep from him all night. Andrew and Meaghan got home near 12 which was not a problem because I was spending the night, since I was babysitting Oliver on Wednesday! Read More

Broken Promise – Linwood Barclay

Broken Promise – Linwood Barclay (Promise Falls #1)

In Broken Promise, the latest from Linwood Barclay, the author returns to the town of Promise Falls, New York and pens another terrific thriller. Promise Falls was the setting for two of Barclay’s previous books, Never Look Away and Too Close to Home. Many familiar character populate Broken Promise including: Police Detective Barry Duckworth, Landscaper Eddie Cutter and his son Derek and the main protagonist David Harwood. Harwood and his family wife Jan and son Ethan were the main characters in Never Look Away. Broken Promise picks up David’s life several years after Never Look Back,  David and Ethan have returned to Promise Falls where David has returned to his former job as a reporter for the town newspaper, only to have the newspaper shut down on his first day of work! His only option is to move back in with mom and dad! One day his mom asks David to look in on his cousin Marla. Marla is having a hard time after losing a baby about ten months prior.When David arrives at Marla’s he notices a spot of blood on the front door and Marla is caring for a ten-month old baby, that she says an “Angel” delivered to her door! Read More

Classic Rock Favorites Provide a Morning Soundtrack!

A Playlist Featuring Six Great Classic Rock Guitarists….

So a couple of weeks ago I created a quick playlist of some of my favorite Classic Rocks songs. Then I  never listened to it until yesterday when it became the soundtrack of my morning drive to babysit Oliver. Basically, I wanted to listen to some music that would put me in a good mood for what I knew would be a long day of continuous motion!! Read More

The Shining Girls – Lauren Beukes

The Shining Girls Didn’t Shine for me! (Book 39 for 2015)

So – have you ever zipped through a book, enjoyed it, and yet felt that you never really connected with the book? That may be the best way to describe how I feel about The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes. It obviously wasn’t how Tana French felt about the book, on the cover of the book French’s quote reads….. Read More

Reading Challenges – Late September Update

 Reading Challenges Three Books Finished in September – Thirty-Eight for 2015!

This afternoon I finished John Scalzi’s The Last Colony It is the third book that I have read in September and the 38th book finished in 2015. The other two books finished this month are Better Than Before from Gretchen Rubin and Robert Ludlum‘s The Matarese Circle. Read More

The Matarese Countdown – Robert Ludlum

The Matarese Countdown a Return to the Works of Robert Ludlum

Robert Ludlum - author of The Matarese CountdownI finished The Matarese Countdown (Book Number 37 for 2015) yesterday and it was another good read from one of the masters of the thriller genre Robert Ludlum. The book was one of the last books written by Ludlum, before his death in 2001. Through the 1990s my reading changed from reading political thrillers to mostly mystery series, but  during the 1980s Robert Ludlum’s novels were mainstays of my reading. They were always were thrilling reads, as typically, either one person or a small group of people was out to save the world. They were action packed with very well drawn plots and characters. Ludlum’s descriptive writing style really made it feel like you were part of the action, Ludlum wrote over 27 thrillers. The number of copies of his books in print is estimated between 290 million and 500 million. They have been published in 33 languages and 40 countries Read More

B.B. King – Blues Icon – Born September 16, 1925

B.B. King – Blues -Born near the town of Itta Bena, Mississippi
(September 16, 1925 – May 14, 2015)

Back in May of this year the music world lost the legendary blues boy Riley B.B. King at the age of 89. Today September 16th, B B King would have turned 90! An autopsy performed on the musician, because two of his daughters alleged that he had been poisoned, revealed that King had died of complications of Alzheimer’s disease and congestive heart failure, with no evidence of poisoning. The following was posted last year at Me, Myself, Music and Mysteries….. Read More

Miss Zoe Celebrates Her First Birthday!

Mom and Dad Throw Zoe a Wonderful Rainbow Birthday Picnic….

So each time one of my children’s birthdays roll around I joke that I feel like another year older and it’s not even my birthday. Well this year with birthday celebrations for my grandchildren Zoe and Oliver the number of days per year that I feel another year older has soared to seven – if I include my own birthday!! Luckily, unlike a dog I still only age one year at a time and not seven!! Read More