Those Empty Eyes – Charlie Donlea and Thoughts About Authors
So I know us avid readers all have favorite authors. Those authors who you go right out and find and read their latest novel as soon as it is released, For me those authors include; James Lee Burke, C.J.Box and Karin Slaughter. You can see a complete list on this post – . You also have a set of authors whose books you really, really like but you may not get around to reading their books until after you’ve finished the new books from that top list. I myself have many authors that fall into that group. One of those authors is Charlie Donlea.
Proposed December Reads from Favorite Authors- Go!
Marcie Rendon – Girl Gone Missing After a Quick Catching Up

Let’s Catch Up……..
Ok so here we go again, you don’t know it but I have made several attempts to get back to writing this blog. All of them are still in the draft stages!
A myriad of reasons have colluded to keep me from posting. First, I’ve had an eye problem that has resulted in visits to several doctors. A visit to an ophthalmologist which led to a visit to a retina specialist. From there I went back to a cardiologist, as well as, my family doctor for various tests. None of the testing has revealed a cause for the problem. I do know now though that my heart is good with no blockages anywhere. The next step is a visit to a neuro-ophthalmologist.
Coco Montoya at his Best on Writing on the Wall

It always amazes me that at one point in John Mayall’s storied career, both Walter Trout and Coco Montoya were Bluesbreakers ! (Watch Them Here) Throughout the years, I listened to more music from Walter than Coco. However, Coco is closing the gap based on his last three albums. And while I admit to not having heard all of Coco’s albums, his recent release Writing on the Wall may be my favorite.
Thoughts About My Blog and The Ruta Beggars Great Music!
Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real – Bad Run Good Tunes
Lukas Nelson and the Promise of the Real – Make a Tough Run Great!
Ok so I wrote in a previous post that my running times have sucked over the last two months. Most of that can be blamed on my health worries. But over the last week or so I’ll also blame the weather. (Heaven forbid it can’t be that I’m approaching 72 years old.
The Battle of the Hedgerows Ends July 18, 1944
Today in History July 18- The Battle of the Hedgerows Ends with a Family Connection
While most people are familiar with D-Day June 6,1944, many myself included, don’t know much about what happened next. From July 11th to July 18th the US and German forces fought for control over the city of St. Lô. St. Lô was key to the US Army’s breaking out of Normandy into the French hinterland. Because the US forces had to fight their way through fortified hedgerows that separated field, the battles became the Battle of the Hedgerows.